The production process in the Enders sawmill is structured and clearly laid out. At this point we provide a detailed insight into our workflow. It starts with the purchase of wood in the forest, continues with the delivery of the raw material to our plant in St. Thomas, the process at the round timber yard, through the two production halls, via drying to the transport of the main and by-products to our customers.  

Please inform yourself with the help of the descriptions and accompanying videos.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Timber purchase

  • We procure and process approx 15.000 solid cubic meters oak logs from Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland state, municipal and private forests.
  • During purchase, each log is individually inspected in the forest and selected for our processing. We pay attention to quality and sustainability.

    The aim and content of our corporate philosophy is to put the valuable and expensive raw material to the best possible use.

  • In this way, we underline our appreciation for the oak trunks that have grown over decades and at the same time guarantee profitability of our business

Delivery of the oak logs

  • We process oak logs from Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland state forests as well as from municipal and private stands.

  • At the Sawmill Enders cuts up to 15,000 solid cubic meters of oak logs annually.

  • We have the wood delivered by regional freight hauliers to our production site in St Thomas (Eifel).

  • Information on how to get to our company and the possibility of route planning can be found here.

Work sequence in the log yard (cross-cut line)

  • At the log yard, the so-called cross-cut line, the logs are measured, divided and cut according to length, diameter and curvature.

  • For this technically demanding work process, we have purchased a new log sorting and transport carriage in 2022. An operator can measure, cut to length, sort and feed the saw in his cabin.

  • The sawable cuttings pass through the splinter search ring, then the debarkerbefore they reach the sawing hall via transport devices.

Arbeitsablauf in der Zuschnitthalle

  • In the sawing hall the logs are cut into a model by means of a pre-cutting frame and into a prismatic product by means of a post-cutting frame.

  • The side boards produced in this process also pass through a through-feed cross-cut saw an an edger.

  • The prismatic goods and the side boards are further processed in the stacking hall processed.

    NOTE: Video will follow shortly

Arbeitsablauf in der Stapelhalle

  • In the stacking hall the goods are sorted according to customer requirementsquality and width.

  • Sorting is automated. For automation, we use robots .We adapted the robot control system to the special requirements of the work process and programmed it accordingly.

Refinement of the wood in the drying chamber

  • At the request of our customers trocknen wir die Ware in drei drying chambers with a large capacity
  • During the drying process , we permanently carry out measurements of the wood moisture level . The measurement results are monitored and documented from spatially distributed measurement points. This ensures the continuous monitoring of wood moisture guaranteed. This is how we achieve the desired and therefore perfect moisture level of the wood.

    NOTE: Video will follow shortly
